Sunday, January 13, 2013

Ten ways to wake up a sleeping baby in a quiet house. These are tried and true methods guaranteed to nicely wake your little one from a deep deep slumber.

1. Sit down to pee. The sensitive ears of your babe can hear your bare bottom touch the surface of your porcelain throne, even with a flight of stairs and a shut door between you.

2. Lay down to take a nap of your own. This action sets off immedate radar to make the baby not just wake up but scream at  pitch that ONLY moms and dogs can hear. Dads usually do not hear the cry and fall asleep anyway.

3. Get in the shower. Babies like to see how quickly you can get in and get out and still consider yourself clean. So they do not start screaming until you have gotten yourself completely soaked and the loofah lathered.

4. Search the internet. Have something you want to look up? Have free time you'd like to spend on facebook? Heh! Good luck. Babies feel the internet is best experienced while trying to nurse/feed/change a diaper while also on it.

5. Return a phone call. Seriously what good is an important call with out a screaming baby as background music?

6. Try to eat. Babies feel no one should eat alone so when you eat they eat, even if they've eaten 20min prior.

7. Start a movie or television show. Who wants to miss such quality viewing time? Not a baby!!

8. Quiet time with your significant other. Not necessarily the horizontal mambo but just cuddling on the couch or any type of physical touch, even as small as holding hands. It remains a mystery how a sleeping baby upstairs can know that his father grabbed his moms hand downstairs while standing in the kitchen talking.

9. Start cooking something. Even if its boiling water a baby will know. Their tiny noses are sensitive enough to pick up on the slightest smells of the stove turning on or the oven warming up.

10. Pop open an adult beverage. Babies can hear the pop of a wine cork, the twist of a beer top and they can sense the need in an over exhausted parents voice as they lay them down in their bed!! This is just too much excitement and grown up time for a baby to allow!!

Now I am sure there are many other ways to wake a sleeping baby in a quiet house but these are just a few of the methods I've seen work with out fail!!