Monday, March 28, 2011

Epic Fail! That is the theme for today!

Epic fail 1-While I was changing Evans diaper earlier I looked up at the t.v. then back down at him and he was sharing a dog bone with Mylo! He had, I am guessing, taken it away from the dog and put it in his own mouth thinking dog drool is yummy. The fail part here is I paused for a split second wondering if I should take a picture of it! I quickly decided against it because my camera was not with in arms reach and the bone was gross. FAIL!!

Epic fail 2- I drove around for nearly 2hrs looking for a place for Evan's blue bonnet pictures next wknd before finding them less than 15min from my house! FAIL!!

Epic fail 3- Last night I put every pair of jeans I wear in the washer, yes it has been a while since I did some laundry, thinking I could get up this morning put one of the few pairs that I dry in the dryer and let them dry while I get ready, get Evan ready and everything to leave and take my notes into the office. I did not however remember to put them in the dryer when I got up this morning. So while I am getting ready to leave looking for clothes to wear I realize I have no dry pants!! I am wearing some funky fitting jeans that I havent worn in forever! FAIL!!

At least none of these have caused any real damage. Well at least for now. I am sure later in the week I will be angry about waisting so much gas when its time to fill my tank and I really dont want to. Its only 6 lets see how many more we can fit into a single day!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

This morning during breakfast Austin said he has plans for today and he had to leave for just a minute and be right back then we'd leave for errands. He refused to tell me what it was but said something about a dream then proceeded to tell me another dream he had where he pushed a CPS guy off a cliff because he was here to take Evan. The reason for him taking Evan was because Evan is behind due to not crawling yet. :( I guess even Austin is wondering about our lazy kid! lol! Well he leaves and I go and get Evan and myself dressed for the day. When he gets back he has $100 for me to go shopping to get new clothes! I love that man so much! Since having Evan nothin fits!! I hate it, I am back to my regular weight (not goal but where I was when I got pg) and still nothing fits! Well I was able to get 3 bottoms I got a pair of capris, board shorts, and regular shorts all in a decent size!! I was so excited. I also got 4 tops! Its been a great day.

We also got Evan a play mat today. He's already figured how to take the puzzle squares apart! I call genious on that!! Not even on it an hour and has it all figured out!

I had a super great night tonight with my favorite LOVAH! Its so nice to get out and have a great dinner with great conversation and great food and wine! Robin rocks my socks! I love that I can tell her that I have no answer for some of the simplist questions and she answer them for me!! Cant wait to do it again!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yesterday marked 2yrs that Austin and I have been married. It seems like both just yesterday and 50yrs ago all in one. So much has happened in such a short period of time all amazing. I am so thankful I have been blessed with such an awesome family. We just took a short trip to Southern Oklahoma in to Davis and to Turner Falls. I have only been there once when I was really young and Austin had never been. Its BEAUTIFUL! If you've never been I highly suggest it! Although I have to say I am so out of shape that my calfs were killing me yesterday, but I am so excited to do it again. We are def. going back this summer and taking Evan. We staying in a beautiful cabin in the woods where it was eerily quiet but we had a great view of the super moon! To me it didnt look much bigger than harvest moon but I am guessing it was. Just a really great trip all together.

We also finished the floors this wknd. Wow its such a relief to be done. Well 99.9% done. We still have to put on about half of the base boards but we've been able to move back into the living room. We are getting rid of so much furniture just to keep it minimal in there. It gets so messy and cluttered so easily it drives me crazy. So no more end tables or hutch or huge entertainment center. Anyone interested let me know!! We are also getting rid of an old vanity we have. Just keep it minimal and clean looking.

I watched my friends little boy yesterday. Easton is the cutest thing. So sweet and he really likes Evan and shared everything with him. Never took his toys away or anything. Even tried to get him to drink out of his sippee cup! lol! But having a 15mon old and an 8mon old wore me smooth out lol! Evan was all tuckered out too. But that was probably because he felt that he didnt need to nap except from 1030-1130!! Ugh the kid that never sleeps strikes again! But it was a great day. So fun watching the boys play and have fun.

Here is a slide show of our trip this wknd!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Last night I had the craziest dream. I dreamt that I was in some building and needed to use the elevator to go up. The one I was at didnt work and there were some people I'd say in their 60's telling me that I needed and had to use this other elevator. When I walked over to it, it looked more like a freight or employee elevator but I pushed the button and when it opened I stepped on. I had Evan on my hip but he was just there not really himself just sitting there barely moving or anything. When I got to whatever floor I was going to I stepped off and it was really foggy but bright. There was a woman there that told me I had to put these certain slippers on and they were white and the tops looked like real clouds. But when I put my feet into them they looked more like these soft foam cups that were long. I looked down at the lady and back up then all of a sudden jolted awake. In the dream I felt good. I felt happy but when I woke up for some reason I was scared. When I fell back to sleep I didnt pick up the dream like I usually do, it was just some random dream that I dont remember. But the first dream was so vivid with so many details! CRAZY!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Right now as I write my son is sitting in his awesome swing playing and talking to himself! This totally makes my morning. I love that little guy so much. I wish I could stay home with him more but at this point its not an option. So I make the best I can of the days I am home with him. I am lucky enough to get 3 full days home though. But I am so afraid he's going to do some major milestone such as crawling for some one else. So when we are home he gets all the tummy time all the attention and everything I can possibly give him! No it doesnt always keep him on his schedule but it keeps us both very happy. It does give me some comfort that his first word was mama and his second was dada.

I am also sitting here watching my little dog roll over a dog treat. Its a huge treat that he is barely able to eat but feels the need to roll on top of it. He's hilarious. He does this to all of his important things. He has a pillow and what was once a stuffed polar bear that he also rolls on.  Also on the other hand I am trying to keep the big dog from eathing said treat. They each got one but Zeppelin is greedy and wants them both for herself! Hahaha!

Evans swim diaper came in today. I love it. It looks like a little speedo on him. I cant wait for his swim classes to start in April. There are only 4 classes and he'll have a new swimsuit for all of them!! Best dressed little man hands down. My mom got him little swim shorts with matching sandals!! They are orange and brown with pirates and monkey pirates on them!

I love my job. Not so much the crazy amount of changes that have been happening in the office and with corporate but my job in itself is great. However it is not a forever job. One day and one day soon, my patient will graduate from services and no longer need me. This day will be hard because I have been there since they were 5wks old! Nearly 3yrs. I am trying to get my RN so that when he no longer needs me I will have more job opportunities. When I got my LVN I lived in an area where there were just as many jobs for me as there were for an RN. I have however moved and where I am now they largely prefer RNs. I am so nervous to go back because its not easy then add Evan and a full time job and losing weight and everything else on top just seems like so much. But I can do it! I will do it! I have so much to do it for!! Thankfully soon I wont have to be a full time employee! I can do PRN or whatever because I wont have to carry the insurance. And that alone is such a relief. Well my honey is home and Evan will be waking up soon so life calls!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Public, Private, or Home?

So lately the state of Texas has done massive budget cutting to education. Our wonderful Gov. Rick Perry is the one who makes these decisions with the flick of the pen in his hand. I will be honest I DID NOT WHATSOEVER VOTE FOR THIS D-BAG!! I believe the education of children is the most important thing we can do for them and for us as well. They will one day be in our positions making decisions and running our country. No D-Bag Perry is not the one handing out the pink slips himself but he is one of many deciding to cut the budget even shorter than it is. Look around there are no "accessory" positions available at a school. By accessory I mean aides, nurses, principals, etc. Then look a little more and see that there are huge layoffs of teachers as well. So now what will happen when all of these students no longer have teachers to teach them? What happens when soon to graduate teachers are out in the job force along with the ones that have lost their job? Over crowding of classes, lower test scores, less and less students making it to go on to the next grade. Young people easily fall through the cracks and when you have a class size of 1 teacher to 33+ students guess what happens to the majority of them? There is no way they can reach whatever potential they have. I am lucky to live in a city that has small class rooms and small schools. But for how much longer? I do not want my son to be herded in and out of school never fully grasping the fundamentals of his education. I understand that I as his mother have a responsibility to make sure he is prepared to do so but once he is in the classroom the teacher takes over until he is home from school. The teacher is the one to show him what he needs to learn so that I can assist in this at home. A friend of mine said recently that if a child does not grasp these basics skills by 9th grade the chances of them ever doing so is slim. This is unfair to the kid. I do understand there are those that are set in front of a television for hours on end or play video games forever not caring to learn what they need to but our household will not be that way. There are those students who need more one on one or smaller groups to be able to succeed in school. How are they ever going to get this? So to The Powers That Be in our capitol making these decisions so easily because it does not at all affect them, they dont have young children or they are able to afford private schools or whatever the case may be, thank you for screwing us once again!!

Now that I am off my soap box I can move on to bigger and better topics! Lol. Tonight we are pulling up the old carpet in our downstairs area. We are doing a total of 685ft! But the end result will be soo worth it. I am so excited for it. Hopefully when we sell our house it'll be on thing to really make it stand out and better to sell. Although with these renovations I am not sure I want to sell. hahaha!

I am amazed at how Japan is handling the recent earthquake! Their buildings are so well built that they can withstand such a huge earthquake with minimal damage! Here in Texas we are lucky to withstand strong winds with some homes. My thoughts and prayers are with all of those affected by not only the earthquake but all parts of the world that are getting the tsunamis as well. Also I am praying for those who are part of the burning wild fires not far from here. Just about an hour north of here over 3000 acres have burned and more are continuing to burn. So far no homes have been damaged but these are peoples farmlands that are burning so not only are they losing land for now they are losing their income as well.

I have failed my son. As clean as I try to keep things and as hard as I try to keep gross things from his reach I failed today. Earlier I put him on the floor to play while I made his lunch and I cleared out all nonbaby friendly items. These items included 3 dog bones (the hard white kind) several dog toys and Mylo's "baby"-a disgusting polar bear that is now unrecognizable as to what it once was. When I came back about 60secs later Mylo had decided to share his bone and brought one to Evan who was happily going in for a nice chew! I was able to stop him from going in but I have no idea if he had already tested his two teeth in it! I couldnt bring myself to touch it and see. I quickly used a wipe and cleaned him off and fed him to wash his mouth out but geeze how gross is that? The other day I stopped Zeppelin from licking his face. She had gotten a few good licks in but his eyes and mouth were thankfully closed! I pray this kid makes it to a year old with out some funky illness!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Short Hollow Sticks

Or better known as tubes. Evan will be getting them in the near future. April 18 to be exact. In the beginning I was very against him getting tubes. The thought of my little baby being put under and then hold poked into his ear drums and then a piece of plastic inserted was horrible to me. But now after battling severe ear infection after severe ear infection, I am all for it! I just want him to feel better and hear better. He has not only had 6 ear infections since mid Dec but he's consistently had fluid on his ears the times in between. Yay my baby is finally getting the medical intervention his ears require!

Evan is starting swim class next month. I am at the moment rethinking this due to his ear surgery but its not like he's going to be spending any more time under water than he does for a bath so I think I will still plan on him attending. I am so excited about it! I love to swim and I am hoping he does too! Here is what one of his swim suites looks like. He has a pair of swim shorts he will also be wearing but here is his new swim diaper! He is totally going to be the best looking kid in class! Cloth diapering gives you so many more choices on cuteness than regular diapers do! Especially with a boy!

I started P90x the other day. Oh my goodness my body is completely rebelling and is trying to slowly kill me! I am in so much pain. But I guess this is the good kind of pain. The kind that tells you, you are doing what you need to be to improve yourself. Blah! Last night my dinner decided it didnt like me and evacuated the premises so I didnt get to work out. And I am paying for that. I didnt get to "work out" the soreness so I am feeling so stiff today. But I have already walked a mile and will do my work out tonight. I cant let myself fall off the wagon. I dont want to be this size and then get prego with baby #2 and add to it! I need to start from a smaller size. And no baby #2 will not be for a while!! Baby #1 isnt even a year old yet!! lol!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

New floors!

We have decided to redo the floors in our house. We are doing the entry way and living room in hardwood. I love it! We went yesterday and picked it out and got them today. Over the week we are going to be moving everything out and the Friday night we'll removed the old carpet and then the new floors will be put in on Saturday! I am so excited. I am by far a carpet person but recently I shampooed the living room and didnt like the results. There was a spot that had a stain on it after I had already gone over it once so I decided to go over one more time to see what I could do to get it out. Well I didnt just do the stain I did the whole area. The water was still brown. It grossed me out soo much. I love carpet and all but ours is so cheap and crappy. We redid the carpet in Evans room about a year before he he was born and its amazing carpet. Nothing clings to it, it doesnt hold horrible dirt in like out cheap crap downstairs does. I have hated this carpet since we moved in. So now we will be putting in beautiful hard floors. Its sort of a cherry color but not too much red. I cant wait.

I started P90x today. Oh my goodness its rough. I was only able to do 40mins because the turkey butt woke up and was hungry. But I am already sore and noodley feeling! But I am determined to do it. I need to lose weight and look good for our vacation this summer. So hopefully I can do it!


I dont understand the immaturity of adults! Not that I am going to rant and rave about one specific person because well its many. I see and deal with them almost every day. The person who thinks they need to be first in line because of whatever reason, the person who cuts you off and then yells at you like you did something wrong. Seriously sometimes I think the world needs one big time out. There is no reason for most of the actions I see go on. I just want to yell "Hey your out of middle school!! Act like it!" I understand that there are many instances that I am one of said immature people but I do my very best not to be. Pettiness, jealousy, and ignorance is no excuse to act like a dumbass. Here's a tip just keep your mouth shut! Think about what you are going to say before its said. Yeah people say oh I dont have that filter! I call bs on that. Everyone does and once they have acted like an ass they know it. Do they regret it sometimes yes and some times no. Either way it drives me insane! Get over yourself. I understand if some one is entitled to something and make that known. But do it in a way that an adult should do it. I get that there are times when you just want things to be fair and for everyone to follow the "Golden Rule" but thats not how it is so get over it. This is something I remind myself of regularly and I believe others should too!

My good friend Luanne is have a lap chole (google it) today. Prayers that she does ok and snaps to her for getting the awesome liquid lortab the dr. will give her. Bahahaha! I believe she may have enough in her cabinet though she probably wont need the med but it so helps when it comes to pain like that!