Wednesday, May 11, 2011

This week I have been given a little taste of what being a stay at home mom would be like. I do admit I am extremely jealous of those who are able to do this regularly. Spending every day with my little boy with nothing but a messy house to distract me has been heavenly! I return to normal-ville tomorrow but I am soaking this up as much as I can! My patient had surgery yesterday so I picked up a late evening shift (4-10) and am off today. Evan is an amazing baby and this has proven itself over and over the last few days! The great unconditional love he gives so easily makes me feel as if I need nothing else in life. Now I did enjoy being able to get out and work a few hrs yesterday. But knowing I have another entire day of nothing but E time is awesome! Yes there are errands to run and dishes to do. Laundry needs to be washed folded and put away but I get so few of these days that I am refusing to do any of it! I hate having to work so much and miss so much of his sweet life that seems to be going by like the speed of light. The expression on his face last night when I got home ( I asked Austin to keep him up so I could say goodnight) was priceless! To see him jump up and down and squeal with excitement when he saw me made me feel like the best mom on earth! Now yes there are days that I am home and have a list a mile long to get done and I just go crazy and he refuses to nap and is cranky and its just a day, but those are few and far between. At the moment the turkey is banging his bottle that he just emptied and the remote to the surround sound system together and then dropping them into his tray of peas and carrots. Hilarious yes! Will Austin like finding pea bits on the remote? No! I dont think I would necessarily have to stay home every day to feel like this, just more than I do. But bills have to be paid, food needs to be bought and we need to keep a roof over our heads. So for now me staying home is not an option! But one day I think it will and its times like this that make me all that much more excited for that day!


  1. LOL!!!

    Being a SAHM is fun, yet has it's challenges too. I've been doing it for 2.5yrs now and some days I just want to toss in the towel and go back to work. That and I tend to get lumped in with the people that just don't want to work at all. Being a SAHM is a lot of work and is very demanding.


  2. Yeah my house is a wreck!! I got nothing done! And after being spoiled at home he didnt want to go to daycare and he also didnt want to be put down. It was fun though and I'd love to do it again, but I'd also love to have a clean house and something clean to wear! LOL! I cant imagine how SAHMs with more than 1 baby get things done! Especially when they are both as small as yours are! I hate hearing SAHMs get lumped in with those that dont want to work. Now granted I've seen some who have a horrible house, one little kid who is in daycare and they just sit around all day but about 99% of the time thats not the case! My youngest sister stays at home with both of her kids and its crazy! I dont think I've ever heard her complain about being bored or not having a list of things to get done in x amount of time! All around nap time and lunch and everything else!!
