Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Just kind of peeved!

Last night after work I had to stop by Albertsons to get a couple of ingredients to make dinner. I obviously was not supposed to have gone because it was crap! First there are no lines open on the end I parked on. Then all the lanes available had people with huge carts full and I had 3 items. Finally as I was leaving, trying to pull out on a very busy street, there was a ton of on coming traffic. I drive a very small car so it's kind of hard for me to see around a ton of trucks and SUVs. The woman behind me started honking because I was not, I dont know, pulling out in front of on coming traffic and killing myself so she could get to her destination. Well when I was able to go she starts honking again, then pulls up to me at the red light 100 yards after the turn and starts yelling at me. I admit I was on my phone with my husband and actually telling him I couldn't see around to go across the street. This lady was yelling at me from her HUGE gas guzzling Tahoe and throws one cigarette out the window and proceeds to light another. She then punches it when the light turns green only to go over the bridge and stop at the other light. I am thinking all this rage just to be stopped exactly where I am, like me being hit by on coming traffic would have gotten her further-NOPE. Finally the light is green and he hauls it again speeding the short distance to the Cracker Barrel. Seriously all that for some chicken and dumplings? I hope she choked on one!! Not die from it but just put a good scare into her.

 Other than that it was a great evening at home! Evan had his first ginger snap. I thought they would be too hard for him to actually eat and so he'd just suck on it and gnaw. I was so wrong! They melt very easily and quickly, so he ended up eating a lot of it. Pictures to come of his after. It's hilarious how covered he was!

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